Scholarship of Teaching 

& Learning:

About SoTL

What is SoTL?

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is:

While there is no definitive definition of SoTL, for now, we will work with the following definitions. The first was advanced by Healey (2000, p.169):

“The scholarship of teaching involves engagement with research into teaching and learning, critical reflection of practice, and communication and dissemination about the practice of one’s subject.”

The second was put forward by Hutching, Huber, and Ciccone (2011):

“The scholarship of teaching and learning encompasses a broad set of practices that engage teachers in looking closely and critically at student learning in order to improve their own courses and programs, and to share insights with other educators who can evaluate and build on their efforts (p. xix)”  

Why is SoTL so Important?

Engaging in SoTL has numerous benefits to contemporary college education, such as encouraging educators to:

What are the Five Principles of SoTL?

Whether you are new or experienced with SoTL, we encourage you to use these five principles (Felten, 2013) as a framework or guide the development and focus of your SoTL inquiries.