Getting Started: 

Learning Plan

What is a Learning Plan?

The “Learning Plan” provides additional context to a “Course Outline” by including information on assessment strategies, alignment to course learning outcomes, and a detailed schedule that is relevant to the current delivery of the course. 

Faculty should review the Course Outline and the Learning Plan document with students before starting their first lesson every semester to ensure the learning expectations are properly communicated to all students. These documents should also be made available in Blackboard by uploading them to the prescribed content area within the Bb course site.

This section provides Faculty with various resources to help complete their first draft of the Learning Plan.

Learning Plan 2024-25 Resources (Fall 2024, Winter 2025, & Spring/Summer 2025)

Faculty teaching a course during the 2024-25 academic year (Sept 2024 to August 2025) should review and use the following Learning Plan documents. 

Please use the following Learning Plan template to draft your LP for each course and review the accompanying Learning Plan Guide for further details.

REMINDER: You must save a local copy of the Learning Plan XXXX Template prior to making edits as the word document will open in a browser. 

Click on "File" and "Save As" to select a location on your personal device or OneDrive account to save a copy.

Learning Plan 2023-24 Resources (Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring/Summer 2024)

Faculty teaching a course during the 2023-24 academic year (Sept 2023 to August 2024) should review and use the following Learning Plan documents. 

The following Learning Plan template and accompanying Learning Plan (Annotated Version) were created by the PPDR department.

REMINDER: You must save a local copy of the Learning Plan XXXX Template prior to making edits as the word document will open in a browser. 

Click on "File" and "Save As" to select a location on your personal device or OneDrive account to save a copy.

Teaching Spotlight

Richard Stronach, Professor, Early Childhood Education - Kingston

"I began using Modules to organize my course delivery when working with the School of Contemporary Teaching and Learning in the development of a hybrid course.  I have found the practice of using Modules to structure content very helpful in planning, teaching, and evaluating content.  I liken it to chapters or parts of a book.  The Modules provide clear beginnings and endings of concepts which may have otherwise made the delivery seem fragmented and confusing."

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find my Course Outline?

What is the "Delivery Method" for my course?

Faculty should confirm the delivery method (i.e., Face-to-Face, Alternative Delivery, Hybrid, Blended/Mobile, or Online) with their Associate Dean or Campus Dean before starting to draft their Learning Plan.

When should I prepare my Learning Plan?

 Faculty should connect with their Associate Dean or Campus Dean to discuss submission timelines for their Learning Plans. All Learning Plan documents should be approved and signed by Associate Dean or Campus Dean before the first day of the semester.

Can I change the Assessments during an active semester?

Faculty should make sure to connect with their Associate or Campus Dean if they wish to make any amendments to the weighting (e.g., change the weight from 25% to 10%) or assessment types in an active course (e.g., removing an entire assessment and replacing with another). These changes need to be approved by Associate/Campus Deans and communicated to students in a structured manner to support this transition.

Minor changes to the delivery schedule (e.g., guest lecture will now take place on Thursday instead of Monday) do not need approval.  

Who do I ask for help with my Learning Plan?

Connect with the if you want to schedule a 1on1 consultation about your Learning Plan if you are teaching a face-to-face or alternative delivery course. Our team can help brainstorm assessments and teaching strategies that suit your course.

note: Faculty who are developing Hybrid, Blended/Mobile, or Online courses will be working in a structured course design process with the Program Planning, Development, and Renewal (PPDR) department.