Digital Learning: 

FAQs & Updates

Teams and Stream

How do I invite a guest to my Course Teams meeting?

If your guest is internal to the college (i.e., staff, faculty, student), you will need to add them as a member to your Microsoft Teams course space on the day of the meeting (the enrollments for your Team reset each night and will automatically remove the guest). You can send them the link to your Microsoft Teams meeting and they should have full access to the meeting space (chat, screen share, etc.).

If the guest is external to the college (i.e., community member, alumni, etc.), you won't be able to add them as a member to your Teams space. The link to the Teams meeting can still be sent, but the guest will not have access to the chat or be able to share their screen/present. If there is a presentation that needs to be shared, we recommend that it be sent to the faculty member who will then present it on behalf of the guest.

How do I post a link to an MS Teams meeting recording on Blackboard?  

You will need to access your recording from Microsoft Stream. You can access Microsoft Stream from the waffle at the top left of the page at or from  (and login with your SLC credentials). You will find your recordings under "My Content" and then "Videos". We first recommend to go into the pencil icon (update video details) to ensure that your students have access to the video under the Permission settings. If not, you can add your course as "People" by searching "Course-" followed by your course ID (Example: "Course-ABCD100-F20-101-1234-K). You can also just search for specific people if you are only wanting to share the video with selected users. If the "Allow everyone in your company to view this video" box is selected, we would recommend unselecting this box, as you likely don't want everyone at SLC to have access to it. Once you've made all the changes needed you can click "Apply" at the top. 

Now, to share your video you will go to the Share icon and you can either get the link to post to your Blackboard course or you can get the Embed code to embed it to your Blackboard Course. Please keep in mind that if you embed the video, students may need to login using their SLC credentials to view it. 

How do I stop my students from starting/stopping a recording in my MS Teams meeting?

Students' ability to start and stop recordings in a Teams meeting by changing their Meeting Role. This can be done through the Meeting Options. The Meeting Options can be accessed several ways. The easiest way is to open/double-click the meeting invitation itself in your Teams or Outlook calendar. At the bottom of the meeting invitation, you'll see the link to join the meeting. Just below that, you will see the Meeting Options link. 

Once you've accessed the Meeting Options, you will need to change the Who Can Present dropdown to Only Me. This will change all other meeting participants to Attendees. Attendees only have the ability to speak, have their live video on, and post in the chat.

Why can't my students hear a video that I am sharing with them on Teams?

You may wish to share a video with your students during a synchronous class session. This can be done by selecting the Share Desktop option from the Share Tray. However, the sound from you computer will not be shared with students (i.e., they will not be able to hear the video) unless you choose the Include System/Computer Audio option. This option appears in the top left corner of the Share Tray.

Note: If you are using a Mac, you will be unable to share System/Computer Audio. This function is not available for Mac.


Format of student assignment changes in the grading interface. How do I fix this?

We've heard that the way the new Blackboard Grading Interface displays some student submissions - particularly complex Word files - is problematic.  There are two solutions to this issue.

How do I embed a video in Blackboard?

Embedding a video can be a good alternative to simply linking a video as they video is more readily accessible to students. Video embedding in Blackboard is done through the Content Editor (i.e., the interface into which you typically type and format text). To embed a video into any course element that has the Content Editor, do the following.

Why does my course say "not currently available"?

This message is included on courses prior to the start of a semester and indicates that "students" don't have access to the course yet.


My students can’t view my embedded Sway. What might the issue be?  

Students should be using Google Chrome, so first check which browser they are using and ask them to switch to Google Chrome. You could also try putting a link to your Sway presentation in addition to embedding it. This way, if students can’t see the embedded Sway, they should be able to access it through the link.