Teach @ SLC

School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning

Welcome to SCTL 

The School of Contemporary Teaching & Learning (SCTL) is responsible for supporting Faculty in their teaching practice by designing educational development programming and providing 1on1 teaching support on all three campuses (e.g., Brockville, Cornwall, and Kingston).


Our tri-campus school includes a multidisciplinary team of teaching/learning professionals that specialize in Professional Learning, Digital Learning, Scholarship of Teaching/Learning, and Indigenous Pedagogy. The team includes 17 full-time positions and multiple faculty secondments which provide full-time faculty with learning opportunities to expand their practice through peer mentorship.



The tri-campus team supports faculty inquiries using shared departmental email accounts, 1on1 consultations, in-person/virtual workshops, and frequently distributes teaching resources using the faculty resource page.

Start your exploration by visiting the Getting Started page or use the navigational bar at the top left corner of the page to explore other areas.

About St. Lawrence College