PD Opportunities:
Community of Practice
What is a Community of Practice (CoP)?
There are many ways scholars have defined a Community of Practice. In most cases, a CoP represents a group of individuals who share common goals, similar backgrounds, and experiences. These groups work together to refine their practice by learning from one another and engage in a free exchange of ideas or strategies. The college community has many CoPs but some vary in structure so the SCTL will be working on creating more opportunities for faculty/staff to engage in critical discussions on specific domains of teaching/learning.
This section will outline our CoP strategy but also contains some useful tips for external professional learning opportunities. Some of these opportunities are governed by provincial and national CoPs. We invite you to explore these opportunities as we continue working on our internal CoP framework.
SCTL Communities of Practice
Join a CoP in 2024-25!
CoP: Digital Teaching Strategies
This CoP will focus on digital teaching strategies where faculty members can connect with one another and share best practices/resources. Faculty will showcase and discuss new tools they are using and exchange ideas on how to facilitate effective digital learning in the classroom. The CoP will highlight using online, SLC approved tools, and Open-Education Resources that are effective, efficient, and accessible to all students and staff.
Facilitator(s): Digital Learning Specialist(s)
CoP: Teaching with Artifical Intelligence (AI)
The Teaching with AI CoP is intended as a collaborative space to share, discuss, and explore the evolving landscape of AI and its potential to both enhance and disrupt various dimensions of teaching and learning. These discussions will examine various opportunities and challenges in identifying tools and specific teaching strategies that might inspire experimentation with AI tools. We also welcome staff to participate in this CoP as the introduction of AI tools will continue to impact all facets of higher education.
Facilitator(s): Educational Developer(s)
CoP: Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)
The SoTL at SLC CoP is intended to be a supportive meeting space where educators, researchers, and staff (with diverse disciplinary backgrounds), come together to share questions and foster inquiries aiming to advance teaching and student learning.
This CoP will promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in teaching and learning through the discussion of approaches to systematically study challenges and opportunities encountered in our educational practices. Through this CoP, we aim to create space/opportunity for educators to: (1) critically reflect on our educational practices; (2) develop research questions; (3) meet and strengthen relationships with peer inquirers, (4) explore approaches to answering our questions in systematic, credible, and ethical ways, and (5) develop plans to mobilize new knowledge with beneficiaries and interested parties.
Whether you are new to SoTL, an experienced SoTL practitioner, or someone in between, we invite you to join us and contribute to growing our SoTL community at SLC!
Facilitator(s): Educational Developer(s)
CoP: Tea Time on Tuesdays (Indigenous Pedagogies & Intercultural Teaching Book Club)
The Tea Time on Tuesdays CoP will explore Indigenous Pedagogy and Intercultural Teaching through shared readings and engaging dialogue sessions. This community brings together anyone interested in deepening their understanding of these topics through thoughtful discussion. As a CoP, we will engage in a courageous journey that is meant to challenge us deeply and inspire transformative growth. While the conversations we will have together may be uncomfortable at times, this discomfort can lead to insights and self-reflection that are empowering and essential.
Our first CoP meeting for the fall 2024 term will be on October 1. Together we will read and discuss Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad.
Facilitator(s): Educational Developer(s)
Previous CoPs explored by faculty, staff, and members of SCTL
CoP: Indigenous Pedagogy
This CoP will provide an opportunity for the college community to engage with each other to discuss IWKB. Our mission will be to share in a journey of learning & discovery.
To create a safe & healthy space to engage in dialogue relative to Indigenous ways of knowing and being, dispel myths, and create understanding to strengthen our personal & professional relationships.
Facilitator(s): Shannon Hall
CoP: Applied Mindfulness & Compassion in the Classroom
This CoP is an opportunity for faculty to explore mindfulness-based practices and their application to the post-secondary classroom. Experiment with compassionate and trauma-informed approaches to self-regulation, classroom communication, group work, assessment and more. Share ideas to help cultivate inclusion, belonging, and wellness for faculty and students at SLC
Facilitator(s): Prof. Erin Boyce
CoP: H5P Champions
This CoP will focus on the open source H5P studio tool from eCampusOntario. The community will be used to support one another while we explore this new technology.
Facilitator(s): John Wright & Angela Covey
External Professional Learning Networks
Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (STLHE)
"Vision - STLHE strives to be the pre-eminent national voice, and a world leader, for enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. The Society supports research, its dissemination, increased awareness, and application of research through scholarly teaching and learning."
Open Webinars: Yes (www.keepteaching.ca)
Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): André Léger
REMINDER: St. Lawnrence College has an institutional membership to STLHE.
Educational Technology Committee (ETC)
The Educational Technology Committee (ETC) is a subcommittee of the Coordinating Committee of Vice-Presidents, Academic (CCVPA), and represents the colleges’ practitioner knowledge-base on matters pertaining to technology enhanced teaching and learning.
While the ETC is formally represented by a member at each college, its strength is found in the broad membership of college educators. It is a network of representatives from each of the Ontario Colleges, focused on 21st century teaching and learning practices, who are directly involved in the practice, support and applied research of technology-enabled learning.
Open Webinars: Yes / Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): André Léger
Curriculum Developers Affinity Group (CDAG)
"The mission of CDAG is to facilitate collaboration and the exchange of best practices in all matters relating to curriculum which, in turn, enhances and garners expertise and provides leadership in curriculum development and sound pedagogical practices on a province-wide scale. "
Open Webinars: Yes / Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): TBA
The Teaching Professor
The Teaching Professor began as a simple newsletter in 1987 but has grown into a larger network of passionate educators sharing best practices. The website contains weekly announcements, articles, and short video summaries of teaching/learning topics. There is also an annual internal conference which is being held virtually this year.
Open Webinars: Yes / Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): N/A
TeachOnline (ContactNorth)
A professional learning network has been created through ContactNorth as many educators are seeking guidance on online teaching practices. The ContactNorth organization hosts a series of free webinars for the higher education committee so make sure to review the website for more details.
There is also a great search engine to find international conferences on teaching/learning.
Open Webinars: Yes / Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): N/A
"EDUCAUSE is a nonprofit association that helps higher education elevate the impact of IT.
We are a community of IT leaders and professionals working together to tackle challenges and leverage opportunities that are constantly evolving within higher education. We welcome diversity, in viewpoints and experience, and believe in the transformative power of uncommon thinking for the common good."
Open Webinars: Yes / Conference: Yes / SCTL Representative(s): N/A