PD Opportunities:
Teaching & Learning Conferences
This page contains a list of curated teaching and learning conferences that are open to the SLC community. These conferences may include internal and external learning opportunities. Our list will evolve over the academic year as more conferences solidify their approach. Please feel free to suggest a conference by connecting with the SCTL@sl.on.ca
Learn how the college can support your PD interests by applying for external funds - review the Professional Development policy in the Policy Center below!
Conferences & Events 2022-23
Paths to Reinvention: Advancing Learning Conference 2023
Feb 23, 2023
Trent University Peterborough, Ontario + free
"How do we engage students by design? What does it mean to design learning adventures through teaching and technology? An adventure can imply a journey of unknown outcome which may involve both risk and growth. How can we apply this mindset to making the best use of technology to support student learning, provide greater access to education, and model more inclusive practices which promote engagement in learning experiences? This conference aims to unpack the relationship between pedagogy and technology in supporting all learners, how the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be activated to engage students, how experiential learning outcomes can be harnessed, and how offbeat, fun, or surprising approaches to technology and pedagogy can impact student learning. Come and help us explore.
The conference will be offered hyflex (simultaneously in-person and online) and will be free to all participants."
Paths to Reinvention: Advancing Learning Conference 2023
May 11 to 12, 2023
Durham College Oshawa, Ontario + registration fee
This year the theme of the conference, Paths to Reinvention, pays tribute to the different ways in which educators and institutions have created and leveraged new approaches to teaching and learning coming out of the pandemic.
We will visit the lessons learned from pandemic remote delivery that is here to stay and explore the resulting reimagined and reinvented approaches to face-to-face, online and HyFlex teaching and learning.
Join us for a variety of highly interactive sessions and hands-on workshops - including networking and social events - designed by educators in Canadian higher education just like you! Explore technology-enabled learning, best practices in tech-infused pedagogy, instructional design, HyFlex, accessible course design and so much more.
Learning Connections Conference 2022
May 16 & 17, 2023
Online & Kingston Campus + free
The LCC is St. Lawrence College's annual professional learning conference. We are in the process of coordinating a few details on dates but invite you to revisit last year's event by reviewing the link below.
Back to Our Future: Rethinking College-Level Education in the "New Normal"
May 24 to 26, 2023
Humber College & Online + fee TBD
How can we reconcile our instructional practices of the past with the educational landscape we find ourselves in today? How can we use this new knowledge to shape an effective future of teaching and learning for ourselves and for our students?
CALL: College Association for Language and Literacy
STLHE Annual Conference
June 13 to 16, 2023
Charlottetown, PEI + registration fee
"As it is still not possible to have an in-person conference this year, STLHE invites the community to join them in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of STLHE, decades of incredible volunteers and members, and a multitude of other note-worthy highlights at this year’s Unconference.
The Unconference will foster an unconventional schedule of synchronous and asynchronous posters, presentations, keynotes, and discussions as we come together as a community while staying apart.
More information to come."
Find a Conference that meets YOUR needs!
Multiple Dates/Times/Schedules (updated monthly)
"Searchable Directory of 1,700 Upcoming Education and Technology Conferences From Around the World"
ContactNorth has a great website where users can search for upcoming conferences. We invite everyone to browse these options as you explore your professional learning interests for the upcoming year.
Past Conferences & Events (Academic 2021-22)
Blackboard World 2022
July 18-21, 2022
in-person + registration fee
"#BbWorld22 will take place July 18-21, 2022 at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center" Sign-up for updates below
STLHE Annual Conference
June 7 to 10, 2022
Ottawa + registration fee
"As it is still not possible to have an in-person conference this year, STLHE invites the community to join them in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of STLHE, decades of incredible volunteers and members, and a multitude of other note-worthy highlights at this year’s Unconference.
The Unconference will foster an unconventional schedule of synchronous and asynchronous posters, presentations, keynotes, and discussions as we come together as a community while staying apart.
More information to come."
Learning Connections Conference 2022
May 30 & 31, 2022
Online & Kingston Campus + free
The LCC is St. Lawrence College's annual professional learning conference. We are in the process of coordinating a few details on dates but invite you to revisit last year's event by reviewing the link below.
A CALL for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
May 27 to 28, 2022
Virtual + Free
Our 2022 conference will feature two exciting keynote presentations and over twenty concurrent presentations! Please check back often for updated information.
CALL: College Association for Language and Literacy
Keynote Presenters: Ekta Singh (SLC College Professor)
Indigenous Day of Learning
May 10 to 12, 2022
Brockville/Cornwall/Kingston + Free
The SCTL has partnered with the Waasaabiidaasamose Indigenous Centre and the Indigenous Services to create an experiential learning opprtunity for all faculty/staff. Mode details on this event will be made available via the Workshop page.
"Moving Forward in a Good Way" - Conference on Postsecondary Teaching & Learning
May 1 & 3, 2022
Online + Registration Fee
"This year’s conference threads are drawn from the cultural model presented in ii’ taa’poh’to’p, the University of Calgary’s Indigenous Strategy. We have provided some guiding statements from the ii’ taa’poh’to’p model that may help participants conceptualize, weave and frame their proposal within the context of the conference theme. "
Reshaping Educational Leadership: Building on Collective Action in Challenging Times (CLD Conference 2021)
Dec 10 & 11, 2021
online + free
"The Centre for Leadership & Diversity invites scholars, practitioners, students, community members and activists to its 2nd Annual International Conference. The Conference seeks to build on the collective energy calling for greater justice in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and create space for educators to share research, stories and connect in solidarity. The Conference aims to present current research being conducted in educational leadership in Canada and internationally, as well as highlight the practices of leaders in K-12 and higher education. "
Special Invitation: Prof. Ekta Singh, Prof. Wendy Whitehead, & Dr. Michael Cooke will be presenting at this conference. The title of their presentation is: “Decentering Whiteness: An Ontario College’s Journey in developing an EDI + Belonging Framework in a Global Pandemic”
Empowering Learners for the Age of AI
Dec 7 & 8, 2021
online + free
"Empowering Learners for the Age of AI is a free, international online conference, building off of our successful 2020 event. We warmly welcome you to join this public conversation to engage productively with societal infrastructure powered by data, analytics and AI. "
TESS 2021 Online
November 15-16 & 18-19, 2021
online + free
"eCampusOntario’s annual TESS (Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase) conference celebrates and advances community and collaboration across the post-secondary sector. This year TESS will be held online, throughout the week providing flexible half day sessions on November 15-16 and 18-19.
Last year’s TESS theme of Humanizing Learning reflected our early experience of the pandemic’s impact on teaching and learning. We now emerge into a “new normal”, shifting from emergency remote education to a pedagogy that is digital by design – delivering high-quality online and hybrid programming at scale.
We have learned that we have the ability not only to survive but thrive together in the future.
TESS 2021 is focused on how we co-create that future.
Conversations will highlight learning from the pandemic – and the actions we can take, individually and collectively, to crystallize that learning."
Forum for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Nov 11 & 12, 2021
online + registration fee
"The SoTL Symposium is back this year, but with a twist! Due to the ongoing uncertainty with the Covid-19 pandemic, we are hosting a virtual SoTL Forum from November 11-12, 2021. (We will reconvene for the 10th SoTL Symposium in Banff in November 2022). The theme of this year’s forum is Catalyzing Conversations: Energizing SoTL. We will come together to build, sustain, and energize our SoTL community as we reflect on a unique year and plan for the future. This forum will provide space to engage, explore, and energize SoTL projects in various stages of completion ranging from initial ideas of inquiry to reports on findings..."
Digital Teaching Symposium (Blackboard)
Nov 5, 2021
online + registration fee
"Learners’ journeys are no longer linear—and the pathway to successfully teaching individual learners requires flexibility and innovation. The future of education exists in personalized experiences, delivered in methods as unique as the learners themselves.
No matter what your technical abilities, learning technologies are designed to facilitate teaching and make your job easier. Let's come together to explore these tools, learn best practices, discover new strategies, and share with colleagues.
Educators! Whether you're full or part-time faculty, a teacher, lecturer, instructional designer, learning technologist, or any other instructional role, this symposium will further your familiarity and understanding of learning technologies."
Focus on Teaching & Technology Conference 2021
Sept 29 to Oct 1, 2021
online + free
"The Focus on Teaching and Technology Conference offers an ensemble of keynote addresses, faculty innovations during concurrent sessions, technology workshops, and vendor exhibits. The conference program has evolved over the years to reflect emerging trends in technology applications in higher education and shared expertise in online teaching experiences and strategies. "
Past Conferences & Events (Academic 2020-21)
Digital Pedagogy Institute
August 10 & 11, 2021
online + free
"The conference will feature keynote addresses, presentations, workshops, and digital tool training in support of undergraduate and graduate teaching and learning. While broadly focused on Digital Pedagogy, the conference themes include:
digital pedagogy best practices in STEM, the Humanities, and the Social Sciences;
digital pedagogy collaborations between faculty, educational developers, librarians, and/or graduate/undergraduate students;
digital pedagogy collaborations with organizations outside the academy;
the state of digital pedagogy education in higher education;
digital pedagogy case studies, including course and assignment innovations;
innovative new uses for traditional digital pedagogy tools."
Learning Connections Conference: Think Global, Act Local
May 31 to July 4, 2021
online + free
"The 2021 LCC Theme aims to explore these two diverse challenges, build our global perspective (Think Global), and engage our local partners and industry (Act Local). It will also challenge us to think more broadly about sustainability by exploring "social sustainability" by elevating the role belonging, equity, diversity, and inclusion play in our everday lives."
REMINDER: This is the St. Lawrence College "all-employee" annual conference.
STLHE Unconference
June 7 to 11, 2021
online + registration fee
"As it is still not possible to have an in-person conference this year, STLHE invites the community to join them in celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of STLHE, decades of incredible volunteers and members, and a multitude of other note-worthy highlights at this year’s Unconference.
The Unconference will foster an unconventional schedule of synchronous and asynchronous posters, presentations, keynotes, and discussions as we come together as a community while staying apart.
More information to come."
Advancing Learning: Dare to be Curious
June 8 to 10, 2021
online + free
"Advancing Learning has been the province's leading educational technology conference since the 1990s. We are proud of fostering an environment where educators (faculty, instructional designers, multimedia and graphic specialists) share their experiences with their colleagues.
Our goal is to advance education in Ontario by learning from practicing educators about topics related to innovative educational technology and its use in higher education."
International Teaching Online Symposium
June 17 to 18, 2021
online + free
"We seek to develop a thorough understanding of the needs of international students in the online or open educational environment and to explore the broader topic of the promising practices for teaching linguistically and culturally diverse international students. Our two-day virtual Research Symposium will include opportunities for research sharing, professional development, and research collaboration by focusing on the needs of graduate students, faculty teaching international students, and those with an interest in the mainstreaming of online or open education.
The first day will include scholarship sharing, two-panel discussions (faculty and emerging scholars, and international students), a synthesis/debriefing session, and two keynote speakers on this emerging topic. The second day will provide an opportunity for researchers to engage in networking discussions."
BbWorld 21
July 13 to 15 + July 20-22, 2021
online + free
"BbWorld is back, free and taking place fully online July 13-15 & 20-22.
This July we’re broadcasting sessions, keynotes, DevCon, networking opportunities, and more directly to you, wherever you are. Our team of producers are lining up exceptional EdTech programming to inform, inspire and excite you. With this year’s format it’s never been easier to personalize your BbWorld experience: tune in live, watch on demand, and set your own schedule. The future of learning is here.
Share best practices, discuss changes in education and generate new ideas at BbWorld 2021. This year’s key topics include: teaching and learning experiences, the latest EdTech trends, data and analytics, student success, institutional change, accessibility, product integrations, and community engagement."